Photo: Charisse M. Williams

Through coaching, I am on a mission to help high-achieving leaders create work/life harmony and build strong teams. 

I have coached leaders across diverse sectors from the US and UK to Uganda and New Zealand. I have a passion for coaching nonprofit leaders, including new Executive Directors/CEOs. I have walked in those shoes and know how lonely and challenging it can be, but also incredibly rewarding with the right support.

So, what is coaching, exactly?

Coaching is a client-focused and -directed partnership in which you and I come together for conversations to help you accomplish your goals and fuel your vision.

As your coach, I am not here to give you answers or advice, but I will share tools, best practices and what has worked in my experience.

My objective is to draw out your wisdom by asking questions that lead you towards your own “a-ha” moments and move you closer to the vision you created for yourself on day one. 

You experience work/life harmony when you’re making conscious choices about using your time in alignment with your personal and professional values and priorities and feeling good while doing it.

Photo: Yellow clock

Since time is our most precious, nonrenewable resource during coaching calls we explore:

  • how to plan and organize your time.

  • how to set and enforce boundaries to protect your time.

  • where you can delegate or outsource so you can focus your time and energy on the most important things and the things that light you up.

After working with me, clients often report:

  • Greater clarity about what really matters to them

  • More joy and time away from work

  • Increased confidence in decision making

  • Improved leadership effectiveness

  • Better time management skills

  • Increased comfort with experimentation as part of the learning process

Photo: Woman smiling, drinking smoothie

Without a vision, it’s easy to become busy and stressed,

checking things off a never-ending “to-do” list and

wondering what it all amounts to.

My Coaching Process

Session One: North Star Vision

What do you want your life to look like personally and professionally in one year? If that seems daunting, don’t worry. In our first session, I walk you through my Visioning process so you feel excited and confident to complete your vision as homework. This is your opportunity to dream in color.

Session Two: Vision Review and Coaching Focus

In our second session we review your vision so I can learn more about you and what’s important to you. We also identify what from your vision you want to focus on in coaching. I also give you guidance in how to prepare for the remaining sessions.

Session Three and beyond: Taking Action

I strategize with you and hold space for you to develop and commit to a few, concrete action steps that can be taken immediately that will help you move towards your goals. And we get really specific. When are you going to take those actions—I’m talking dates, times, where and how?

Ongoing: Celebrating Successes

As you take action, experimenting with what works and what doesn’t, I help you pause to celebrate successes along the way.

Taking time to celebrate and savor what is working, keeps you inspired and motivated throughout your journey, giving you a confidence boost every time.

If you are looking for a coach who delivers high impact while bringing mindfulness and joy to every client engagement, let’s talk!

I am excited to learn about your goals, dreams and explore developing a coaching partnership with you.

Check out this post on my blog for tips for finding a coach who is right for you.

“Having a coaching session with Charisse is like sitting down with a thoughtful friend who really, and I mean really cares a great deal about you. She helps you to find a realistic path that includes self-care and self-respect that is uniquely designed to fit who you are, where you are and what is most important to you. I was validated, heard and understood and Charisse completely met me where I was with a calming, peaceful presence, along with a lovely breathing and visualization exercise that really helped me focus and get clarity. It was simple, relaxing and WOW!” -R. Caputo

Coaching Packages and Rates*

*Most of my clients’ employers pay for their coaching, so if you haven’t done so already, discuss with yours today . Professional development and coaching funds are also excellent items to negotiate up front for inclusion in your annual compensation package.

One year (24 sessions)

One-hour session every other week. Cadence flexible to accommodate holidays and emerging issues that require more urgent attention.

Investment: $7,500

Six months (12 sessions)

One-hour session every other week. Cadence flexible to accommodate holidays and emerging issues that require more urgent attention.

Investment: $3,900

2-Day Leadership Retreat

Clients leave this private, customized retreat with a one-year vision and 90-day action plan. 

Investment: $5,000 (+travel expenses, if applicable)